Our LPM Low Pressure Molding Machine , CE marking certified, with its very low injection pressure 20~500psi (1.5~35 BAR), replaces the traditional epoxy molding compound, could protect electronic components, encapsulate wires and connectors without damaging components.
✔️Your best partner in molding Solution
✔️Any idea please contact:
+886 - 3 - 3218768 ,
www.injection.com.tw ,
[email protected]
#VerticalInjection #InsertMolding
#ShuttleTable #LPM #LIM #LSR #LIM #InjectionCurve

✔️Your best partner in molding Solution
✔️Any idea please contact:
+886 - 3 - 3218768 ,
www.injection.com.tw ,
[email protected]
#VerticalInjection #InsertMolding
#ShuttleTable #LPM #LIM #LSR #LIM #InjectionCurve